Monday, February 15, 2010

Chinese New Year

I visited Chinatown for the Chinese New Year. It was pretty much insane. It was so crowded and there were those dragons dancing to a drum beat all over the place. Once I finally got out of earshot of one, there was another dragon. And the amount of people was crazy.

Chinatown was all decked out with paper lanterns and such. I got a couple of these custard pastries that are amazing.

After Chinatown, we visited a couple used book stores, but I decided I should probably finish the books I already have before buying more. Then we wandered into Covent Garden for a little while. After getting food and wandering a bit, we saw a little bit of a street performers act, but it was kind of strange.

It was an awesome weekend, and tonight I am going to movie night that the pastor on campus hosts.

For class today, I visited Buckingham Palace, and we discussed the architecture and history of it. I'll have to go back on a day when it's nicer out to see the changing of the guard and sit in the grass in St. James's Park and relax.

1 comment:

  1. Colleen,

    I have decided I am jealous. You seem to be having a wonderful time, not only educational but involving so much history and beauty. Make sure you continue to document your travels as this is something you will want to look back on and cherish. Great pictures, you seem to really capture the mood. I am really happy for you.

    Love - Dad
