Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Peppermint tea, Punks, and a prestigious penman

Saturday was a strange combination of events.

I went to the Dickens House museum for a class – I had to go there and then write up a short little entry about it. Anyway, it’s a house that Charles Dickens lived in while in London, and a lot of his famous works were penned there, including Pickwick Papers and Nicholas Nickleby, which I happen to be reading at the moment. 

So my friend and I were there a bit before it opened and decided to wander around and get some coffee while we waited for the museum to open. Well, I got a cup of peppermint tea, and let’s just say the world was against me and my peppermint tea. While in the café, I was walking to the door, and the lid popped off, resulting in a couple different burns on my fingers. I put the lid back on and walked back to the Dickens House museum, and then realized that drinks aren’t allowed in the museum, and I had to throw it away. So after paying and getting burned, I didn’t even get to drink the stupid tea. Needless to say, I’m off hot beverages at the moment, too traumatized.

After a bad start to the day, I was pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed the museum. A lot of the rooms were restored to the original use, and there was a video about his life. The library was amazing. It had a bunch of different copies of his work and even some of the original manuscripts. Only problem is, now I want to read all of Dickens’ works.

After that, we met up with some of our other friends in Camden, which is known for its street market. I’ve been to a few of the markets on the East End, and I figured this one would be similar. It was insane, though. Besides the fact that the markets were huge and had a bunch of different stalls, it was mainly aimed for the punk population. If I want to get a tattoo or piercing while I’m here, I guess I know where to go.

After that, we went to Regents Park and threw around a Frisbee. One of my friends is really into ultimate, so she tried to teach us the techniques of Frisbee throwing, but I never really got the hang of it.

So that was Saturday’s events, but I have a lot more posts to come.


  1. Colleen,

    I really like the pictures you posted - they look great ..... competition for Brad ... smile. Sorry about the burnt finger and lost peppermint tea - however, did you really think they were going to let you into the Dickens House Museum with liquid libation when they have all those paper items about .... hmmm. How great though to actually see a part of history such as actual Dickens manuscripts. The update is great and very enjoyable to see and read. Keep them coming.

    Love - Dad

  2. Well, I had planned on drinking it on the way back. But after getting a burn that ended up blistering, I figured I probably shouldn't try to drink something quite that hot.
